a new set of original drawings : for Turtle Island today
A Study Guide for Zen in the Americas
Zen buddhism is arriving in the western hemisphere. The classic teaching device “The Ten Oxherding Pictures” created in the 12th century in china by Kaku-an has guided thousands upon thousands of Zen students in the East. The oxherding metaphor was first used by the Buddha.
Through nine centuries the original set of Ten Oxherding Pictures successfully accompanied and guided the students in their great efforts in Asia to cross the stream, vanish, and return as the Bodhisattva Hotei or Mitrea. It has guided them to awakening.
Kaku-an’s original 12 century pictures were of a subject and activity perfectly familiar to his students in the place and time. Their simple power remains deeply valuable to Zen students today even in the Western half of the world. Yet here in the 21st century there are few ox to see - wild or tame. Here we are no longer intimate or daily familiar with wild animals or with such a visceral, essential process.
The inspiration for this new set of zen ox herding pictures comes out of observation of our contemporary experience, and belief in our continuing need for this example of a simple powerful guide for Zen practice and teaching.
The offering of this new set of simple drawings is intended to distill and reduce the elements of the original guide to the deepest heart of human experience. They are offered for the contemporary Zen practitioner on the way to a culture, race, and gender free state. The awakened state of true love.
Palms Together, in Gassho
Myō Ōn

Hand mounted and bound
accordian fold Art Book:
Each book is printed in the Americas on acid free 100% recycled paper mounted on archival shikishi boards with Tyvec hinges, and comes wrapped in a protective cloth. Each of the 7 pages is two sided and measures 9.5" x 11".
This edition is designed to be used as a teaching aide and a free standing table top book.
Price including shipping:
US $74.
VOL.2 Journal Edition
This small sized paperback edition will be offered soon on Amazon. This edition will have 100 blank pages for note taking, sketching, and reference and journal notes. It is designed to be used as an aide and record for zen students.
1. The Four Texts of the Zen Sect:
The Ten Oxherding Pictures
The Faith in Mind Inscription
The Song of Enlightenment
The Principles of Zazen
2. “Lectures on The Ten Oxherding Pictures”, Yamada Mumon translated by Victor Sogen Hori.
3. “The Ten Oxherding Pictures” from the “Manual of Zen Buddhism” by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki.
4. “P’u Ming’s Oxherding Pictures and Verses” translated by Red Pine.
5. “Zen” wood cut prints by Tomikichiro Tokuriki
6. “The Ten Oxherding Picturs” verses by Lewis Hyde, Pictures by Max Gimblett www.lewishyde.com.
7. “Searching for the Ox: The Path to Enlightenment in 10 Pictures by Mark T. Morse www.lionsroar.com.
8. “John Cage: Zen Oxherding Pictures” by Stephen Addiss and Ray Kass.
9. “The Zen Oxherding Pictures: by Ruben Habito www.mkzc.org.
10. Selected Video’s on Youtube - 1. “Ten Bulls of Zen in Animation” by Hiro Miyakawa
2. “Zen Ox-Herding Pics” Shinzen Young”
Books for the Practice of Wu Wei
EACH notebook is made spontaneously without thought from the unused papers left after a series of larger art works has been completed.
The art works and books are typically made in response to Zen Koans, Haiku and other prose or poems.
The artist zen monk Myō Ōn offers these notebooks in hopes that the freedom, spontaneity and openness of wu wei will be contagious so that the blank pages and empty spaces in each book will prompt a collaborative, free, and harmonious response. Please use them freely for all kinds of wandering and play.
ORDERING A BOOK: Due to the free nature of these notebooks, they are available in either the small, large, or extra format.
If you are interested in the any of the books please go to CONTACT for information and ordering.

The books typically fit into an envelope

book/from work on the poem of zen teacher Laywoman Chen who lived in 12th Century China